There’s been no shortage of incendiary news headlines for months. Indictments and gag orders, air strikes and tunnels, civil war and government upheaval. And that’s the hardly scratching the surface. What’s been so striking to me is how much control we’ve allotted to media, propaganda and news. We are inundated with updates on war, humanitarian…
Second Class – Opinion Piece
I, and those who have the same anatomy, have been told by the highest court in the land that we are not as important. We are second class. And in just a few short days you are asking me to celebrate the freedoms of this land? I cannot while this injustice stands.
May Your Memory Be A Blessing
My zadie, the meticulous, compassionate, patient man made sure to choose a different cuddly critter to bring every single time. As a kid I loved my Beanie Babies because they were cute, fluffy collectibles. Now I love my collection because it is just one of the many ways Zadie showed his love for me (and…
Building Boundaries
Of course, that’s not to say that once I set the boundary, or make a decision to uphold a boundary, that my worries magically dissipate. Absolutely not! In fact, there’s usually a brand new mystery box of anxiety that arrives at my figurative doorstep. But even that doesn’t negate the sense of accomplishment I feel…
50 Minutes
My anxiety felt like it touched practically all aspects of my life. Sometimes it was loud like a siren going off in my head and my chest, making me feel too warm, shake too much and feel hyper-focused but also distracted. Yet somehow, when it came to me I had a laundry list of reasons…
The Importance of Taking Your Time
What would happen if we took advantage of this nation-wide slow down and applied what we’ve learned and experienced going forward? How could we benefit from stopping, and taking a second look?
It’s Not About Me.
America has potential to be great…It is a beautiful sentiment, that our democracy is for the people, by the people, and no one is except. It touts autonomy, community, and integrity. I would like this statement to actually be true as we move forward and fight for change.