Problem/Solution Bank’s exchanging data with their commercial customers to manage their finances and execute payment transactions: Realtime connections between the companies and their financial institutions so that the information exchange is realtime, integrated, robust and efficient. And dare I say,…
A year with Microservices and Omnichannel Banking
Omnichannel – that won’t get a lot of hits on my blog. But Microservices will. The reality is Omnichannel is overused but it is important. And microservices have enabled it. Last year I shifted from enterprise solutions to our digital…
Driving Devices ISO 202022 and Faster Payments
I came to NCR to sell a modern ATM driving and transaction processing platform. The goal was to leverage a platform that was focused on transforming messages and building in flexibility to adjust for what was to come, not what…
IOT, Mobile Create Cyborgs of Traditional Bank Branch & ATM Self-Service Beasts
I know, I just mixed a metaphor – and I used a simile for a branch acting like a person. Grammar be damned – the things bankers are doing these days with mobile in the branch just make me think…
From B2B To P2P, Faster Payments
I’ve watched the business-to-business , person-to-person, and account-to-account payments industry from an insider’s perspective over the last 20 years. Moving through time from commercial online banking, to retail online banking, to mobile banking, to digital banking – payments is…
My recap of TAG Fintech 2015
Some thoughts from this years TAG Fintech 2015 (Technology Association of Georgia). I’ll look back on my tweets to help me: Lots of great analogies during the final session about Bitcoin – in summary it seems that beyond the hype…
My Finovate Presentation (Video)
Stood up there in front of 1,500 people – it was fun and though I wish I had remembered all my lines, it was worth it. I’m demonstrating for TIS an integrated part of multi-channel approach to capturing the necessary…
Finovate – Before the Show
I just had to post because I haven’t posted in so long. Some of you will undoubtably find this weblog after seeing me present at Finovate. At this point I have no idea how I did, I went first at…