Problem/Solution Bank’s exchanging data with their commercial customers to manage their finances and execute payment transactions: Realtime connections between the companies and their financial institutions so that the information exchange is realtime, integrated, robust and efficient. And dare I say,…
A year with Microservices and Omnichannel Banking
Omnichannel – that won’t get a lot of hits on my blog. But Microservices will. The reality is Omnichannel is overused but it is important. And microservices have enabled it. Last year I shifted from enterprise solutions to our digital…
Microservices and other shifts in techspeak
Over the past 30 years selling technology solutions, the raw materials of the products I sell have changed many times. Shifts from centralized to decentralized processing and data models, optimization for the hardware we were operating on, business trends swinging…
My recap of TAG Fintech 2015
Some thoughts from this years TAG Fintech 2015 (Technology Association of Georgia). I’ll look back on my tweets to help me: Lots of great analogies during the final session about Bitcoin – in summary it seems that beyond the hype…
My Finovate Presentation (Video)
Stood up there in front of 1,500 people – it was fun and though I wish I had remembered all my lines, it was worth it. I’m demonstrating for TIS an integrated part of multi-channel approach to capturing the necessary…
Finovate – Before the Show
I just had to post because I haven’t posted in so long. Some of you will undoubtably find this weblog after seeing me present at Finovate. At this point I have no idea how I did, I went first at…