The golden rule to me: is the one from the Torah. Not the due unto others version – it really is simple: That which is hurtful to you, don’t do to others. So I get that’s negative and such but…
I don’t want to shoot a person
That’s really how it pans out. I don’t think I could shoot a deer with a rifle. I do t tho k I could shop and kill a man. I got in fights as a kid. I didn’t win any…
Thoughts on Harper Lee’s “Go Set a Watchman”
Reading the review in the NYT of the lost novel Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee it was obvious to me what was going on, at least in my mind or point of view. In fact I had just…
Silicon Vally Secessionist Balaji Srinivasan is an arrogant ignorant brilliant chickenshit
I missed Srinivasan’s diatribe back in October 2013 and recently herd of it as the inertia builds among the newly rich people who build the stuff I sell. You can watch it here on YouTube I read a great article…
Medical Specialist Costs Rising? – Obamacare Short Term Answer, Long Term Nightmare
Back in October ago I wrote a rant about deadlocked congress and the rising cost of medical bills and how the insurance industry is only half the answer. I see on EOB’s how much the doctors are charging, and my…
Deadlocked Congress
I’m at a loss here as I sit and watch our Congress totally destroy what was the perfect system of governance and freedom. It’s like all common sense and fight has gone out if my Republican Party – with only…